Design Aids

Learn about the design elements, materials, and surface finishes of injection-molded parts by registering for our free design aids.

Design Cube

One of the best ways to learn about our injection molding process is to have an actual plastic part in your hands to explore. That’s why we created the Design Cube, which shows part features that are too thin or too thick, bad bosses, right and wrong ribs, and other considerations to be mindful of while designing parts for injection molding.


Demo Mold

This design aid shows the mechanics of how the A-side and B-side of a tool work together during the injection molding process to create plastic parts. The Demo Mold helps those new to injection molding easily visualize the process and is a great teaching device for educators.



Dummies Books

Our Dummies books look at the digital manufacturing tools available to today's product designers and engineers. Read about various 3D printing, machining, and molding technologies, material options, tips for part design, and how digital manufacturing is being used for commercial applications in nearly every industry.


Material Selectors

These pocket-sized Material Selectors are quick reference guides to help you identify the right plastic and metal materials for your next project. It lists specific measurements on properties to ensure you have the most suitable material and process for your part’s application.